Better TV Listening With A Neckloop
Even with properly fitted hearing aids, it can be difficult to understand the TV due to poor room acoustics, distance from the TV, and background noises like the dishwasher running or other people talking. Using a neck loop with the t-coil function on your hearing aids may improve your listening experience while watching TV. From previous…
Dizziness: BPPV
Here at Midwest ENT Centre, we assess and diagnose patients with many inner ear and balance disorders. One of the most common causes of dizziness in patients is called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, or BPPV. It is present in about 20% of all dizzy patients, but is more likely found in older individuals. This is…
Hearing Loss in Babies
Did you know babies wear hearing aids at 6 weeks of age? You may ask, “How is it possible to know that a 6 week old baby has hearing loss?” Most babies will undergo a newborn hearing screening prior to discharge from the hospital. The newborn hearing screening can detect possible hearing loss in the…
Dizziness: Videonystagmography (part 2)
At Midwest ENT Centre, we work with patients who may be experiencing dizziness, imbalance or vertigo episodes. Depending on the patient’s symptoms, the doctor may request further assessment of the inner ear balance system, called the Vestibular System. One of the tests routinely performed by our audiologists here is Videonystagmography (VNG). What a mouthful! What…
Benefits of Using a Neck Loop
Using the T-coil and Neck Loops With Your Hearing Aid In the last blog, I talked about t-coils and how they can increase the functionality of your hearing aid or cochlear implant. T-coils are like wireless antennas. They pick up magnetic signals transmitted from a sound source and then deliver that sound directly to your…
Realistic Expectations for Family Members With Hearing Loss
“My mother still has a hard time hearing me even when she is wearing her hearing aids.” Many spouses and family members experience a lot of frustration when someone they love suffers from hearing loss. Typically, they have dealt with this invisible disability for several years. Once they finally convince that loved one to get…
Dizziness: Lightheadedness or Vertigo?
Dizziness: Lightheadedness or Vertigo? (part 1) Your ears do more than just help you to hear. The Vestibular System is also useful for maintaining balance. Part of the inner ear contains three semi-circular canals. These are full of fluid that react whenever you move your head. As the fluid shifts within the canals, small cilia…
Definition of a Copay
A copay is a fixed amount you pay for a health care service such as a physician’s office, hospital, or prescription. This amount is set by the insurance company and not by the physician’s office. A copay can vary by the type of service or specialty of the physician.For example, a doctor’s office visit might have a…
Airport Security and Hearing Aids
Airport Security and Hearing Aids Many people question if it is safe to go through the scanners at the security checkpoints with their hearing aids. According to the TSA website, it is not necessary to remove your hearing aids, but you should inform the security officers that you have them. It is actually better to…
Communicating With Hearing Impaired Family Members
COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES FOR FAMILY MEMBERS If you have a loved one who suffers from hearing loss, you understand the frustration that accompanies a conversation with them. Even with hearing aids, that loved one is still hearing impaired and could use a little help on your part to optimize the listening situation. Below are a few…